Wednesday, November 17, 2004

One had a suspicion...

Hehe, I'm actually sniggering to myself. A couple of posts ago I ranted about the empty rhetorics of especially American politics - and lo and behold, up steps John Humphreys to prove my point. Apparently, he's an English journalist devoted to salvaging whatever is left of the English language.

He puts out a general rant on the state of affairs here. He highlights Stephen Fry as one of the great English orators - I couldn't agree more, although Fry is almost so English that it gets annoying. Think Jeeves is still shining through. :)

However, the really funny part that has to do with dynamic duo Bush & Blair can be read here. And I follow his arguments all the way - nice point about business spin being the origin of all this nonsense. Now, if only journalists and editors would devote themselves to exposing the fraud...

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